Is there any greater thrill (at least for a gardener) than walking out into the garden and discovering the first bloom on a favorite plant, especially one that tends to be finicky? This is Clematis 'Jackmanii' (I think ... I remember planting one and I think it was in this spot). I want to say that I'm not any more obsessed with clematis than I am with any other plant that I consider extravagantly lovely. But I would be lying. I blame my continuing obsession on my friend Linda, whose Jackmanii at her home a few blocks from here regularly sported too many blooms to count. It was a memorably glorious display, all the more so because clematis are alleged not to grow well here. She and her mother Billie both had a knack with them, although Billie's vine was not as floriferous, much to her chagrin. (Billie was another of my gardening mentors: she didn't obsess about it, she just did it, with spectacular results.) Linda was certain that her success could be traced to her planting the vines directly into pine bark mulch. I've always found this very interesting, since clematis allegedly prefer a more alkaline soil: our gumbo clay certainly qualifies. A knowledgeable friend told me the reason for the old adage "head in the sun, feet in the shade" was because the clematis prefer their roots to be cool. It makes me wonder if by planting the vine in the acidic pine bark mulch, its roots grow deeper seeking out that alkaline soil and thus remain cooler than they would closer to the surface. I should test that theory on one of the plants that remain from last year's purchase of 100+ 4-inch pots.
I can hear my readers now saying "WHOA! 100 PLUS POTS? Are you NUTS?" Allow me to explain. The Lowe's located a mere 1/2 mile from my corner of Katy frequently puts plants on clearance to make room for new stock. Last year on one of my routine clearance rack patrols, I discovered pot after 4 inch pot of clematis, many of them in good condition, others languishing but still viable, and some all but gone. They had them marked down to 50 cents each but even at that price, there was no way they'd be able to sell them all. So I accosted the manager of the gardening center and asked if she'd like to make me a deal. I walked out with all 100+ pots for $10. While a fair number of them didn't make it, enough did to make my purchase a real bargain. I sent friends in Tennessee and Iowa about 10 plants each, gave several to my mom and other gardeners, and have lost count of how many I kept for myself that are still with me. This one is either Fireworks or Dr. Ruppel (anyone?):
Maybe there is no code and some gardeners just can and others can't?
No, I hope there is a code because I'm determined to figure it out!
Lovely clematis, by the way. Sorry I can't help you with positive id's.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
I have nearly neutral soil and they sometimes grow here...not spectacularly like some can grow them!
My Blooms Day post has a Clematis that I thought was Jackmanii but it looks different from yours...I am guessing on mine, the label has been lost.
Some plants are just pickier than others! It certainly isn't our fault they don't grow!
I'm with you: sometimes the plant should just fess up and take responsibility for its deficiencies!