At a time of year when many gardeners are still feeling winter's chill and even their winter blooming snowdrops are shy about making an appearance, I feel very fortunate to have another colorful Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day here on my corner of Katy. This is the first year I've had success with Delphiniums, which took a bit of a pounding from the rain. Purchased as sturdy young plants in 4 inch pots, just barely budding out, they've grown and flourished and are loaded with bountiful blossoms of blue. Perhaps the weather conditions this year were more to their liking or perhaps I placed them in exactly the spot they wanted ... whatever the reason, they look lovely to me despite their sodden condition. I'm learning that Delphs can get a bit top heavy and need staking: here we see my friend Alvaro helping out.
This gorgeous blue flower is Eranthemum pulchellum nervosum, sometimes called Blue Sage.
Nothing says spring in Texas like our native Bluebonnets. Peak bloom season is usually March to April, but several of mine decided they didn't care what the calendar said. Notice the red dots on a couple of the lower flowers? Here's a bit of bluebonnet trivia for you: that red dot signifies that the bloom has been pollinated. The white spot on the flower is to attract bees to pollinate. Once the flower has been pollinated, the spot turns red so the bees will know to go to another flower. (I learned that fun fact at last year's Garden Bloggers' Spring Fling visit to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. More on this year's Fling at the end of this post.)
Much as I love bluebonnets, if I were allowed only one spring annual, there's no doubt in my mind at all what it would be: Linaria maroccana, Toadflax.
This Osteospermum was a rescue from the clearance racks at Lowe's. I've had trouble getting them to grow before so I'm delighted at how happy this one has been where I planted it.
As I mentioned earlier, plans are in the works for this year's Garden Bloggers Spring Fling, to be held May 29-31 in Chicago. Check out their website at Chicago Spring Fling for detailed information on the schedule of events. In addition to the fantastic gardens I'll get to visit, I'm looking forward to reuniting with some of the wonderful gardeners I met last year, and meeting others for the first time. Many thanks to the organizers who are working so hard to make this an amazing weekend for bloggers from across the country.

Looking forward to seeing you at Spring Fling~have a good rest of the day. Itis too chilly to go dig in the garden today...with temps in the twenties threatening the rest of the week as lows. Whine, whine, twang, twang! (That is a good Pam Tillis song!)
Looking forward to seeing you again in Chicago!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
PS: The pink jasmine is worth it!
I also love your goldfinch station. We've had a lot of them here but many of them disappeared during the very windy storm we had last week. But they left the pine siskins behind! :-)
You've got some great blooms in your garden. It was really nice meeting you at the Garden Design class. Hope to see you again soon.
Carol, I trust you will wear your SGAFO pin to Fling?
Dee, your collage was beautiful!
Lisa, thanks for stopping by! I hope to meet you at Fling.
Nancy, I'll have to see where I can fit/shoehorn a pink jasmine!
Jean, I think the confinchion is winding down here. There weren't many at the feeders yesterday.
MMD, isn't that pink Calla Lily something? The color is very intense.
EAL, the sculpture is a flying pig. His name is Alvaro because I was listening to Lyle Lovett's Road to Ensenada a lot at the time I bought the sculpture. The title song has the words "adios to Alvaro" and the name just seemed to fit.
Cheryl & Randy, I hope I can join y'all for some nursery hopping in Austin sometime!
Dreamy, the frog is part of a hose guide from Smith & Hawken ... isn't he a cutie?
Leslie, I'll do my best to remember to save you some seeds for Linaria. I can't imagine spring in my garden without them!
MT, I'll do my best to chronicle spring's progress in the garden!