Garden Bogger's Bloom Day: Concentrating on Columbines

It's the 15th of April and we all know what that means ... lesser mortals may be frantically pounding their calculators and racing to the nearest Post Office 5 minutes till midnight but not garden bloggers! We're too busy with something really important: Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, sponsored by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. I chose to concentrate on columbines this bloom day (mainly because I'm still spending every spare moment shifting rocks from one spot to another ... I'm about to cry uncle and hire someone to help me ... more on that tomorrow). For now, here are some pictures of Aquilegia hinckleyana and Aquilegia canadensis.


Northern Shade said…
They are such sweet little flowers, that they easily carry off the yellow and orange colour scheme. You have to love their unique flower shape, held above the distinctive leaves, such a pretty spring flower.
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
Your columbines are beautiful! Don't stress to much on the rocks!
Have a great evening!
our columbines are so pretty! My yellow one looks somewhat like yours...wonder if it is the same? Don't know my variety...
Gail said…
I love columbines...almost all of them! Pam sent me Hinkley seeds last year...I am a seed scatterer so they may be in there among the new seedlings someplace! Do you have hummers visiting yours?

Do get your back and energy for planting! You are worth it!

I can't figure out why my columbines never grow. They are in the shade (little dappled sun). I guess maybe it's poor drainage. I love them soo much...but they are never happy at my house!
I'm a big columbine fan - beautiful. I know that rock project is getting to you. Crying uncle is okay! Good luck.