16 days until October 1st ... although I may think fall is slow to make its way to my corner of Katy, the sprout below proves that it is indeed on its way. What is it? The most beloved of Texas wildflowers, the Texas bluebonnet! I'm going to take that as a sign that I can start seeding them in various parts of the garden. I've got a paper grocery sack full of seed in the potting closet in the garage. There may be some other stashes of bluebonnet seed elsewhere. Does anyone else collect seeds and then find them stored in odd places around the house and/or garage, or should I speak to the Head Gardener about her appalling lack of organization?
Salvia sp. 'Otahal' reseeds quite freely about the garden but is easily pulled. It's named after plantsman David Otahal, who grew up here in the Houston area. In fact, he attended Hartman Junior High in southeast Houston at the same time as the Head Gardener. They worked together in the library for Mrs. Michalak although the HG doubts Mr. Otahal will remember that! (He's older than her.) If you're attending the Houston Plant & Bulb Mart in October, stop by the daylily booth and ask him if he remembers!
I just had time to catch this shot before the last of the evening light vanished. Blackfoot daisies, prostrate rosemary, more Otahal Salvia, Blackie Sweet Potato Vine (that's actually in a pot, which is why it was allowed to remain) and Profusion Apricot Zinnias are all part of the anything but quiet riot going on behind the garden gate.
It's so cool that you have a planted named after someone you know, even if he doesn't remember you (but I bet he does, you're too much of a character, and I mean that in the best way!). The mailbox planting looks great. I'm also doing the thuggy plant in a sunken pot thing. You can't tell, and it keeps the plant in line.