While I wait, not necessarily patiently, for weather in which it's actually a pleasure to garden, I'll catch up on the myriad chores that need doing on MCOK. Thanks to fairly regular rainfall while I was away at the Garden Writers' symposium, there's an abundance of new growth in the gardens. The Head Gardener is not pleased with the ratio of weeds to desirable plants, however, and is muttering dire imprecations against the interlopers. They are not long for this world.
A brief word re GWA before I head outside for the day: it was an exhilarating and overwhelming experience and I hope to offer some observations when I've had some time to reflect on it all. I came home with new friendships formed and lessons learned, as well as with a dizzying array of PLANTS! At top you see them as they were when I first unpacked them ... below is a picture of them, repotted and adjusting to culture shock. I'll get them into the ground in the next couple of weeks, I hope.
Looks like you have some great new additions to your garden. Love that quote at the end!