The peace officer in charge of security arrangements is happy to report that there have been no repeats of last year's attacks by a felonious feline. The officer has recommended, however, that bird screens be installed ASAP on windows near the Confinchion Center due to injuries sustained by misguided attendees.
The Head Gardener, who is the employee in charge of wildlife observation, has noticed that the finches have taken on a brighter hue in recent days. The HG has read reports from more northerly climates saying that the goldfinches there begin to acquire their new summer coats in March. It makes sense to us that in our southern location, they would begin that process earlier. Whatever the reason, all of us here at Wit's End enjoy seeing the confinchion goers so cheerily attired, especially knowing that their time with us is likely to end before long. When it does, the Head of the Maintenance Department will swing into action: cleaning out feeders and cleaning off squirrel baffles, assessing the condition of thistle socks and discarding those with large holes from the repeated pecking of tiny beaks, and then dismantling and storing the dining facilities until next year's convention. The 2010 Confinchion has been a great success and we have high hopes for 2011!
MT, the globe feeder was their favorite until I brought home this new one.
Leslie, ar ar ar ...
Jan, the feeder is great. I've found that it's best to fill it over the open metal can where the seed is stored. I just hold the feeder over the can and pour seed in it till I can't get any more in!