The Great Rockout of 2010: Day One, Phase Two

Otahal and his crew have come and gone. Take a look at the aftermath of their first visit.


That is going to be awesome Cindy! I love stone and the character it adds to gardens. Can't wait to see the finish..looks like they are doing a great job!
Rose said…
I enjoyed seeing phase one of the "Rockout," Cindy and am looking forward to seeing the final transformation. Looks like Othal is off to a good start!
The Diva said…
Cindy, doll, it's going to be great. I'm so glad you're able to get this done. More gardens, more paths. Yum.~~Dee
Cindy, MCOK said…
Thanks, y'all. I am gaining a HUGE amount of garden space on the north side of the house. Otahal has promised to bring me some plants from his farm to help fill in.