Through the Garden Gate 2010: #5

Some days you might as well not even put on your gardening togs. On days when the heat and humidity make the slightest effort outside seem like swimming through molasses, and the mosquitoes and gnats conspire to make any exposed skin their own personal snack station, even the Head Gardener has been known to throw up her hands and disappear inside for hours on end. The HG and I are used to such days in July and August but to have them in May feels like a violation of our amenities and we wish to protest. While we cogitate over to whom exactly this protest should be addressed, here are pictures of the back gardens earlier this evening.


Gail said…
It is unbelievably hot and humid...I am being bitten by small beetles; its so strange. But I love this peak into the garden...maybe June will be cooler! gail
Anonymous said…
Yes, we feel you pain, Cindy, but know that it is not as bad here, no matter what Gail says, as it is there. When breathing is difficult, like being underwater, make that under hot, steamy bathwater, one must stay indoors and look longingly out the window at the garden. Yours is looking lovely, BTW! :-)
Rose said…
It's been unusually hot and humid here, too, for May, but as much as I complain, I'm sure Texas must be much worse. I've taken to getting up early and working for a short while and then spending the rest of the day in the air conditioning--it's no fun gardening with sweat dripping into your eyes!

Sorry I've missed several of your last posts, Cindy--I've been too tired to even keep up with blogging. My sympathy on the loss of your neighbor and your gardening friend. Losses like these put everything into perspective and make us realize to appreciate the time we do have here.

I also wanted to thank you, in case you didn't see my reply, for the comment on the post about Sophie and the voles--yes, yes, I was trying to remember that line about the "mousies" from B. Kliban! Thanks for the reminder; I used to enjoy reading his books and the illustrations especially.