I took a brief turn about the back gardens today and discovered, much to my dismay, that a half-dozen or more of the 'Carmello' tomatoes had been gnawed on by one critter or another (squirrels? mockingbirds? unspeakable creatures of the night?). So I picked those that were starting turn red and placed them on a small table on the patio to continue ripening in the sun. I thought they would be safe from harm there. I was wrong.
I don't like the looks of those that I've ripened on the kitchen windowsill and it seems to affect the texture so I wanted to ripen them outside in the sun as much as possible. Here's the solution I came up with to protect them ... we'll see how well it works. Now that I look at it, a squirrel could easily dismantle that and a mockingbird's beak is probably long enough to reach through the mesh. Still, it's the best I can do right now.