Que bonita!

Senorita Rosalita Cleome ... te amo!

I've read rave reviews of Senorita Rosalita from several fellow garden bloggers and I'm looking forward to seeing what this beauty from
Proven Winners does in my garden. Given where I've planted her, it would be best if she didn't reach her full height ... and given my climate, it's likely that she will! (The HG is shaking her head at my refusal to follow her advice yet again.) Despite the disclaimers that this Cleome doesn't have the pungent odor of the other varieties, I find her fragrance less than delightful so I put her where she could be seen but hopefully not smelled. I'm looking forward to spending the summer with her!
For those living in the Houston area, I found one gallon pots of Senorita Rosalita at Another Place in Time on West 11th & Tulane in the Heights. I did follow my rule of removing the potting medium before planting and puddling in the plant. You can read
a post about that here.