That tall skinny stick to the right of the electric meter is part of the Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) I removed from the other side of the garden earlier this year. I'd been unhappy with the shape of the tree for a long time and I wasn't thrilled about where I had it planted, either. So I whacked off the only remaining trunk and I planted the root ball, with nothing more than some sad little stubs attached, in a 30 gallon pot.
And the picture above? That's the root ball formerly known as Stubby. So for now I have two Desert Willows. We'll see how the one against the garage wall does as summer continues.
I saw on your last post that you have been plant shopping again. I am done...unless I see another plant I must have:)
MMD, that's one of my favorite movies!
Gail, nature is indeed amazing and wonderful.
Rose, if I were going to place a bet, I'd bet on your buying more plants!