It's the only time of year when the days feel oppressively identical. The same light, the same heat, the same lethargy ... - Carol Wolper, Secret Celebrity
I read this passage in a book recently and it struck me so forcefully that I had to write it down. It's precisely that feeling I'm battling on this sunny summer afternoon ... that I battle most summer afternoons on my corner of Katy. It's why the recent rainy spells were so welcome and why I already miss them. Even in the shade out front the sun is so bright it hurts my eyes.
Hey, GWGT, you'd probably enjoy reading my posts from December about our "blizzard". It should give you a good laugh. I know the bloggers would have loved to see the NF gardens, too. I'm sitting here sighing remembering all the beautiful gardens we did see, including Jim's and Elizabeth's. Thanks for stopping by!