Can you spot the difference between yesterday and today? Look closely ... it's very subtle.
Still trying to figure it out? Does this close-up help? Here's a hint: what's making those little bubbles and ripples on the water's surface?
Eduoard? C'est vous? Bonjour, monsieur ... bienvenue a mon coin de Katy!Justin called this morning to confirm that today's episode of AS THE POND FILLS would be cancelled thanks to the expected visit by Eduoard. At the time he called, we weren't sure that the Katy area was on Monsieur's itinerary since he could easily have chosen a different route for his tour. However, Eduoard is indeed gracing us with his presence, even as I type. As storms go, he's being fairly polite thus far: he brought heavy rain with him but left the wind behind. Will he continue to exercise such admirable restraint? These one named celebs can be mercurial, you know. We can only wait and PONDer that question (sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist).
I will tune in tomorrow for more of As The Pond Fills, a story of a love affair with a pond, starring A Handiman and Agar Dener.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Leslie, I've enjoyed the process of seeing the pond created just enough that it's made the wait for the finished product less tedious.
Annie, I hope the next stormy suitor will like y'all better!