AbsoBloominLutely Thrilled to Still Have A Garden

Ike has come and gone, and a messier (and more unwelcome) guest I have never seen! If you're wondering whether I have any blooms left for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, I am happy to share with you these pictures from a trek around the garden this morning. Mind you, one does not stroll the garden at this point in time ... one navigates with all the caution taken by those venturing deep into the Amazonian rainforest.
The butterflies have a navigational advantage, as do the hummingbirds.
Both were out in full force, working the flowers for every bit of nectar
they could. This Gulf Fritillary paused in his endeavors to soak up some sun.

The coral vine covers one of the Texas persimmon trees; both
emerged from the storm unscathed.

A bumblebee on the Salvia 'Otahal'. This blue and white variety is named
after native Texan plantsman David Otahal, an old friend of mine
from Hartman Junior High School in Houston.

We put the birdbath on the ground so it wouldn't be toppled by the winds.
This Profusion Apricot Zinnia is a cheery sight.

Unlike its nearby neighbor, which I pulled out a few months ago,
this Blackfoot Daisy is not sulking from a surfeit of water.

Near the melampodium, a 'Serenity' mix verbena sports bright pink blooms.
Would you call this color Fuchsia or Magenta?

The hummingbirds are happy that there are a
few blooms left on the red Firespike.

This Salvia (not sure it's a greggii or a macrophylla)
is a little less vibrant pink than it was pre-Ike.

Okay, folks, steel yourselves. Remember my beautiful red Bauhinia of which I posted Friday before last? The pride and joy of my corner bed? The good news is that it's still alive. The bad news is that the wind whipped it around six ways from Sunday and it's thoroughly contorted. Behold it and weep.

I'll do my best to put together a post tomorrow detailing our experiences during and after Ike, and share the pictures I've taken. For now, I'll just say that we were very fortunate, all in all. We had some minor property damage and the oak trees in front took a real beating. I think there are as many leaves on the ground as on the trees, no joke. I spent today attempting to do some cleanup and I swear things look worse afterwards than they did before! I have to keep reminding myself to think of this as an opportunity to make some changes. It was a little easier to do pre-hurricane, before I was faced with such an unholy mess!


It's hard to believe that the Coral Vine didn't get blow six ways to Sunday. It's magnificent. How cool it must be to grow a plant that's named for somebody you know, much less someone you like. I like the bicolor effect of that Salvia. I'm sorry about your Bauhinia. At least it's not dead. Maybe this mangling will give it character.
I'm so happy you have so much to post! Maybe not what it would have been but your garden is still there. I vote for fushia on the verbena. What a chore you have to deal with...we really are at the mercy of nature.
Eve said…
It is amazing how many limbs can come down during a wind storm. I am still picking up pieces I missed from Gustuv. What surprises me is just how well some plants can survive high winds. They just bend with them and pop right back up again. Nature will restore itself, given time.
Carol Michel said…
I went back and looked at your "pre-Ike" picture. Your Bauhinia did take a beating.

I know there is a ton of work to do in your garden, probably literally a ton of stuff to pick up, but remember that fall is coming, so there will be cooler days ahead.

Keep your head up and your pruners sharp and remember why you garden and know we'd all be there to help if we could!

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Kathy said…
What MMD and Carol said. So glad you're still here safe and sound.
Anonymous said…
Cindy, you're amazing to have a Bloom Day post after emerging from a hurricane. So glad the garden is still abloom, even after being tempest tossed.
Annie in Austin said…
Cindy - how wonderful you have a bloom day post! How wonderful you still have a garden! But what most other Houston area people would think most wonderful is that you still have power.

Is the bauhinia cracked or are the branches bent? Back in January 2007 a storm bent many of my trees to the ground and then covered them in ice for more than 24 hours. I was sure the weird shapes were permanent but most of them straightened out after a couple of weeks. Do you think your red beauty can do this?

Annie at the Transplantable Rose
It was really good to see you post. Glad things are not too bad...and you are safe!
Anonymous said…
I didn't think things would look so good. I'm amazed. It must make you feel good to see that so much survived. I know it's a lot of work cleaning and repairing but you've got a beautiful garden that it will be better in no time.
Congratulations on your garden surviving so intact. I would like to claim it was a tribute to the toughness of native Texas plants. But I know hurricanes don't care where someone's plants are from.

You've got some tough plants there so kudos to you for making some good choices! Glad to see you weren't hit too bad. btw, quite a few of the books on your "I'd read again" list are on mine too.
Gail said…
Boy am I last at the party! It is amazing the nature can beat the heck out plants and they can spring back...let's hope that is what happens to the Bauhinia. How did the pond do in the storm?

Cindy, MCOK said…
Thanks to all for your comments and concern! I'm going to forego individual replies since I continue to work on cleaning up the garden post-Ike. The pond came through the hurricane just fine; the fish seem to be none the worse for their sojourn in stormy seas.