Foliage Follow-Up: There Must Be Foliage Somewhere ...

Pam of Digging suggests that we post pictures of the non-flowering features in our gardens as a follow-up to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: she reminds us to look for examples of foliage, bark or berries that are as worthy of our attention as the blooms we celebrate the 15th of each month. Since I spent the morning working at the Harris County Master Gardeners' Fruit Tree Sale, and the afternoon recovering from being out in chilly damp weather, I only have one picture to offer. The graceful foliage of Nassella tenuissima, Mexican Feather Grass, sailed through the recent cold weather and continues to add movement to the garden, if not a lot of color. That's OK, it blends in beautifully with the other browns and tans that are so prevalent right now!


What a star plant and one of my favorite grasses! Funny (sort of) about how it blends in.
I really like grasses in the winter. They add such color and texture to the garden. Will you cut this grass back in February? I have this around my pond, first year, and wondered what to do with it in late winter.
beckie said…
Cindy, I love the grasses. I have tried a few varieties here that were supposed to be hardy to our zone, but without any luck. Maybe one day I will find the right ones and have the same soft movement in the garden as you.

BTW, I have been meaning to ask you-how and when do we sow the poppy seeds you gave us. Is it alright to start them indoors or should theu be sown directly. I would love to have a whole drift of them. :)