This Time Last Year ...

I doubt I need to say anything more (but you know I will) ...

I would have taken a picture of just how different it looks one year later if it hadn't been raining again by the time I got home from a day at the Chronicle. At least I got to research and write about plants all day, even if much of it did involve describing freeze damage and the probable outcome of such damage to certain plants. There's no getting away from it! (On the up side, it did not freeze Tuesday night as predicted.)

Also on the up side, when I went out earlier this week to see if there were any trace of the species tulips that I planted last year, I was heartened by what I found. They were difficult to spot amongst the cursed spiderwort but a few Tinka tulips are indeed coming up.

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong ...

Those leaves that would be pointing at 4:05 on an analog clock are Tinka's!

I've removed the unwanted spiderwort since I took this picture but again, rain precludes my showing y'all the results. As I walked from the Chronicle office to my little red truck, and then drove home, I learned something new: how to tell the difference between rain and sleet. Unlike rain, sleet bounces off whatever it hits. I'm not sure how that's useful ... consider it one of those little things that makes you go "hmm ...".


Did you get snow Cindy? In Garland, we have 6 1/2 inches and it is still coming down.
Ready for winter to leave town! :)
LindaCTG said…
I was just thinking the same thing! Last year at this time was quite a different story. But we'll just have to wait a little longer this year for the flowers, and that's okay by me! Rats, I didn't even get to experience sleet but if it ever does, I'll check out the bounce factor!