Let It Be Known ...

That the drought on my corner of Katy ended at approximately 1:15 a.m. this morning!  I'm not sure how much rain we actually got but think it was less than an inch.  I could see a definite difference in the garden, though, when I went walkabout this morning.  Plants that have been sulking and drooping were standing taller and the shades of green were richer and more intense. I see that there's a 60% chance of rain tomorrow ... bring it on!


Darla said…
We received some much needed rain here in North Florida yesterday with more to come, yippee! Then a cool down in temps though.
Gail said…
I am dancing around the office! I couldn't be happier for you then I am right now!
Cindy, MCOK said…
Darla, I'm happy for you! We got more rain today and it's cooled down quite a bit.

Gail, you're so sweet! It was just lovely to look outside and see wet flagstones!
Carol Michel said…
That is wonderful news! Rain is good. Never curse the rain. Bring on the rain.