Three for Thursday: Rain, Glorious Rain!

The Desert Willow and Duranta 'Sweet Memories" take a bow!
I think it was in 2006 that I first swore an oath never ever EVER to complain about rain again, in the seemingly unlikely event that it would ever EVER fall on my corner of Katy again. That was my first experience with drought as a gardener and while I knew it wasn't likely to be my last, I thought I understood just how bad things could get. Then came the summer of 2011, when temperatures soared into the 100s and no rain fell to break the heat and refresh not just my corner of Katy but the entire state of Texas. With added fervor, I renewed my vow of non-complainance.
The Hymenocallis have responded to the abundant moisture by blooming like never before.
The ground is soggy, the mosquito population is exploding and my sleep is regularly interrupted by anxious Annie's reaction to every clap of thunder.  It matters not ... rain is indeed a glorious thing!
The gardens and the gardener are blissfully happy! (Except for that splash of  canna red in the background!)


Carol Michel said…
Yes, you don't know just how glorious rain is until you don't have any. Then they ban watering of lawns...
Gail said…
Cindy, You had a tough summer and I am thrilled you've been getting enough rain to make your garden sure looks beautiful and lush! gail
You can just photoshop that red out. In any case congratulations of the rain!!
Rose said…
I'm so happy for you, Cindy; your garden looks happy, too, soaking all that moisture in. Now, if the rains will just head northeast, we could sure use some in Illinois and Indiana, too!
Anonymous said…
Just beautiful Cindy. Your rain has revived your landscape. No, I'll never complain about rain again either. I hope it rains here soon.~~Dee
Your garden looks great. We're missing rain here.

I saw some red cannas peaking over the fence at my in-laws house and thought of your blog!