August Bloom Day: More Than You Know ...

So the 15th has rolled around as it does every month (at least until the Mayan calendar runs out at the end of this year) and Carol of May Dreams Gardens invites bloggers around the world to share what's blooming in their gardens today.  Despite my predictable whinging about the heat and drought on my corner of Katy, the Head Gardener has been humming that old standby "More Than You Know"* to remind me that we are still fortunate in the number of blooms to be found here at Wit's End.  Let's take a stroll around the gardens, shall we?

This one's for Gail of Clay and Limestone,  who's a tireless champion for our pollinators!
The bees really are going bonkers over the Frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora). It's also a nectar source for butterflies and a larval food source for Phaon Crescentspot, Buckeye and White Peacock butterflies.

There haven't been all that many blooms on the Bauhinia yunnanensis  but I still love the orchidlike flowers.  The vine is all tangled up with Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' and a white Cypress vine which had better start blooming soon or suffer the fate of the non-productive!

'Coral Nymph' in the rose bed ... there's a Madame Antoine Mari rose behind that plant,
believe it or not!  I do like how it pairs with catmint.
The rose bed is also home to  moss pink verbena (V. tenuisecta), Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium
leucanthemum), Pink Skullcap (Scuttellaria suffrutescens), Peruvian pavonia (P. peruviensis), Brazilian Buttonbush (Centratherum intermedium() and the stubbornly non-blooming trailing purple lantana (L. montevidensis).

I cut back the various winecups that grow in the rose bed since they get
pretty leggy by August.  One of them produced the blooms above and below
that are so lovely, they make my heart smile.

I wonder if it would come true from seed? I'll save this one and see.
Winecups are Callirhoe involucrata.

I also planted a Rhapsody in Pink (TM) Crape Myrtle in the rose bed .
The foliage is supposed to be a dark wine color but given our summer heat,
I'm happy to see it healthy and dark green.  Will I leave this small tree in that
bed or feel compelled to move it?  The Head Gardener is banging her head against the wall.

One hot daylily for one hot month ... I defy anyone to ignore this gaudy beauty!
It's one of those whose name has been lost to time.

Blue Porterweed (Stachytarpeta jamaicensis) blooms
in sun or shade here on my corner of Katy.  

The delicate pink racemes of Indigofera (I. spp.) dangle above pigeonberry (Rivina humilis).

I beg to differ with the 'Rio Bravo' Texas Sage (Leucophyllum
langmanniae), which thinks it's received rain recently.

This combination of Texas Sage with red-orange zinnias, Batface cuphea
and 'Carmencita' castor bean surely qualifies for a 'clown pants' award.  (That term
is courtesy of the above-mentioned Gail of C&L ... we may have to hold a clown pants-
off between C&L and Wit's End.)

Plantings like this certainly fit the category.  'Carmencita', Bauhinia galpinii,  Panicum 'Ruby Ribbons'
Butterfly Weed, orange Cosmos, and 'Cherry Chief' Salvia greggii are fronted by a Proven Winners lantana  I was given to trial this spring.  Thumbs up, most definitely!

Carmencita with 'Ruby Ribbons' Panicum. Double click to enlarge
so you can see the beautiful blooms on this ornamental grass.

Sundrops (Calylophus drummondii), Yellow Bulbine and Gaillardia hiding
in the grass.

Engelmann's Daisy (Engelmannii peristenia)

Abelmoschus spp.

Another unidentified daylily defies the heat and drought!

Cuphea ignea 'David Verity' behind the Agave

Hamelia, Firespike (Odontonema strictum), Chile Pequin & Shrimp Plant

Pinecone Shrimp Plant (Justicia brandegeana)

One of many Hamelias scattered about my corner of Katy


Okra Mallow (Abelmoschus esculentus) is stunning close-up.

Monarch on milkweed

The Bauhinia galpinii  on the south side of the front gardens
is affectionately known as Cher.  Tina Turner reigns supreme
in the corner bed.

OK, not in my garden but right next door ... my neighbor's Crape Myrtle is red hot!

Susan with cicada shell

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on native Turk's cap (Malvaviscus drummondii)

Gulf Fritillary again

This Aloe bloom is the color of orange sherbet.

A closeup of the firespike bloom with Hamelia behind it and the
red umbrella in the courtyard echoing their color

'Lemon Sorbet' or 'Fruit Cocktail'? It does look good enough to eat!

The Jimson Weed is absolutely loaded with buds but it refused to bloom
in time.  I've cut this plant back at least twice already but it
continues to scoff at my efforts to contain it!

The Head Gardener forbids me to make any off color comments about
the seedpods on the Jimson Weed.

Duranta, sometimes called Golden Dewdrops or Blue Skyflower,
is a reliable bloomer that's drought tolerant AND highly attractive to butterflies. 

Australian Violet is a charming ground cover. 

Clerodendrum buchannii var. fallax, Pagoda Flower would probably
bloom more profusely if I let it out of the pot and into the ground.
Given their tendency to run, I believe I'll sacrifice a few blooms.

Bauhinia mexicana is one of my favorite small trees.   The glaring orange
flag below serves as a reminder that I planted something that
needs extra attention while it's settling in, usually in the form of water.

This Vernonia came from Mouse Creek Nursery in Tennessee, a favorite haunt of
Frances of Faire Garden.  I wasn't sure how it would do in my gardens but
I'm delighted to see that it's going to bloom soon!

Gaura lindheimeri is one of the most drought tolerant plants
I grow. It reseeds with abandon so I'm never without its blooms.
That's one of last year's Serenity Mix verbenas below.

Vernonia lettermanii, Ironweed,a 2009 purchase from Plant Delights Nursery, I think?
I'm always tickled when I see this blooming because I worry every year
that I've lost it.
This is one of the native Ruellias but I'm still not sure which.  Maybe R.
caroliniensis?  It's a prolific little bugger, like so many of its family.

Lantana spp. 'Fruity Pebbles' or 'Lavender Popcorn'
One last picture before I wrap this up ...
Freddie Mercury was relocated this week with assistance
from my neighbor Brian.  He doesn't look quite as evil now, does he?


Gail said…
Wowzer, you have blooms, a lot of gorgeous blooms. So many plants I don't know, your garden would be a textbook for me to study~I must visit. Thank you for the mentions; you know how much I love the pollinators and clown pants gardens! Happy GBBD! xogail ps The pink Callirhoe involucrata is wonderful; I hope it comes true from seed.
Fairegarden said…
It was the never ending bloom day post, dear Cindy! I loved seeing so many plants, some I know, most I do not but love every single one of them, and both the head gardener and the her helper. May the ironweed grow tall and give you lots of babies, as it does here in TN.
Layanee said…
You have figured out what will take all that heat even if you have to hide inside after ten in the a.m. Lovely garden and I want to see it in person some day.
Carol said…
I don't about Freddie, Cindy. He still has such an evil grin. I would keep an eye on him that's for sure. Hugs Carol
You have an amazing number of blooms...and after all that heat! You have chosen many of the right plants for the right spaces. I'm still scared of Freddy...keep a good distance.
Kathy said…
I think the daylilies were the only plant I recognized as growing in my own garden. We live in different worlds!
David said…
Wow! You surprise me every time on bloom days. What a wonderful array for August here in Texas. I had no idea you grew Jimson Weed. I love the leaves almost as much as the flowers.
It's rare to have daylilies this time of the year. They both look fantastic. Bravo!
I'm back in school now, so I garden in the dark. It was a good summer.
VirginiaC said…
So many lovely blooms..that was a nice trip around your garden...thanks.
I still don't like the evil grin on that fish's face, maybe place him against the fence/wall may be safer.
Rose said…
Wow, so much in bloom, Cindy! Glad you were able to get out and take photos of everything blooming, and I'm also glad Freddie has been safely moved out of striking distance. The 'Coral Nymph' is really lovely; I thought it was an agastache at first. Love all your plant combos, but then I'm a member of the "clown-pants" style of gardening, too:)
scottweberpdx said…
Gorgeous post...I love Vernonia...they have such vibrant color! I'm really intrigued by your light pink Callirhoe...I've never seen them in that color before!
I so enjoy checking out the bevy of plants found in other areas of the country that are so, so different than my home in the prairies. So many blossoms to burst my bipolar mind. I love the tropical-looking okra mallow. Seems so alien in your drought ridden climate. Don't you think?